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When Reading Type is complete, you will be able to find links to useful resources for typography online. And while you're here, you'll be able to read some opinionated and probably very questionable writing of my own on typographical subjects, particularly about computer-viewed and computer-generated type. What makes it so interesting? Perhaps the links here, if not the writing, will whet your appetite. I'm working to get the links for the site ready, and as these will integrate with the articles I plan, I suppose I should get going on those too.

For now, you can read about the typefaces that I have drawn (or at least started to draw). You can examine type samplers and also download several of the typefaces as TrueType or PostScript fonts which work on Macs or Windows PCs. [In fact, the range of systems on which the fonts work is a little wider, but more of that elsewhere]. - from the archive of August 2001.



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